Spiritual Resources

Featured Local LGBTQ+ Affirming Churches

National LGBTQ+ Affirming Church Directories


Believe Out Loud


GayChurch.org features the largest LGBTQ+ welcoming and affirming church directory in the world. Listed are congregations that meet on a regular basis in a physical location for worship, prayer, service, and fellowship. All churches in the directory have confirmed that their congregation is an LGBTQ+ affirming Christian church. For more details about what GayChurch.org considers affirming and Christian, visit the About Our Directory page.

Believe Out Loud is an online community that empowers Christians to advocate for justice for LGBTQ+ people. Believe Out Loud offers a community where friends and allies can access resources for their journeys and share their own stories of faith and advocacy through their daily blog and social networks.

Check out the Find A Church feature which presents LGBTQ+ affirming churches nationwide.

National LGBTQ+ Spiritual Resource Communities

Unitarian Universalist Association: LGBTQ Welcome and Equality


The Unitarian Universalist Association works to make sure LGBTQ+ people are full members of their faith communities by creating inclusive religious communities and working for LGBTQ+ justice and equity. The Unitarian Universalist Association offers worship and education resources, subscription to their Uplift blog and newsletter, as well as a welcoming congregation directory.

Affirmation: LGBTQ Mormons, Families & Friends


Affirmation is a community of support for LGBTQ+ Mormons across the spectrum of sexual orientation, gender identity, and faith. Affirmation hosts annual international conferences and retreats, offers resources, and admins several online groups on Facebook. Check out the list of online Affirmation groups and connect now.

Local Affirmation chapters include:

Portland Chapter

Seattle Chapter



Keshet is a national organization that works for full LGBTQ+ equality and inclusion in Jewish life. Led and supported by LGBTQ+ Jews and straight allies, Keshet cultivates the spirit and practice of inclusion in all parts of the Jewish community — synagogues, Hebrew schools, day schools, youth groups, summer camps, social-service organizations and other communal agencies. Through training, community organizing and resource development, Keshet partners with clergy, educators and volunteers to equip them with the tools and knowledge needed to be effective agents of change.

Check out the Keshet Resource Library on all things LGBTQ+ and Jewish: articles, rituals, poetry, divrei torah/sermons, policies and more. Use the Equality Directory to find inclusive Jewish clergy and institutions and learn about their policies and practices.

Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity

The Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity (MASGD) works to support, empower, and connect LGBTQ+ Muslims. The alliance seeks to challenge root causes of oppression, including misogyny and xenophobia, aims to increase the acceptance of gender and sexual diversity within Muslim communities, and promotes a progressive understanding of Islam that is centered on inclusion, justice, and equality.